Friday, 8 April 2011

Designing a Logo Is not Easy as You Think!

I was talking to my cousin the other day and he was frustrated at how the clients would pester him about the logo of their company each and every hour of the day. Companies or organizations need to realize that designing a logo is not done within a day. On the contrary, it takes a lot of thinking, creativity, talent, a lot of hard work, patience, and skill to pull off a successful logo or design. A logo is not done at the wink of an eye. many clients are unaware of what really goes into a successful design. 

First, the graphic artist needs to understand what exactly the company is into, why does the company require a new design, what message should be sent to the people when they see a logo and the list goes on.  

well, for those who do not know, this is the process. 

This is the phase where the graphic artist plays with his mind and creativity. He bounces back and forth with the numerous ideas in his head. First, the thoughts are in his head and then these thoughts are put across to the client. This is to develop a sort of direction. At this stage, it is usually determined if they want a illustrative logo, a simple mark. customized marking, a word mark or a mascot.  

With all the above information running in the artist's mind, he hits the sketch pad, hoping to come out with crazy designs that would stun the client and stand out in the industry. For a graphic artist, ideas tend to come at the weirdest of times or at the craziest of places (well, at least for my cousin). the artist draws with shapes, letters, anything that would work as a unique business identity. It is after this that they work on the Adobe Illustrator to perfect their "conceptual doodles". This is the part that requires a lot of time.  

This is honestly the only part a client really cares about. However hard it is for the client to hear it, so be it. Fact remains, they do not care how it is done. They just want it done . The graphic artist creates a project page (private URL) for the client where they can monitor the progress and status of the project. All concepts are presented here along with all revisions and modifications. this is where knowledge and creativity of the design comes to life and yields benefits. This is where they get the clients feedback. Probably the second most important part of the entire design process. 

This is where the clients give their opinions on what changes are to be made , if necessary. The changes are then made to the design to satisfy the client. 

Once the logo is chosen, this is where the payments are made. Once the deliverables are in the clients hand, the artist also walks the client through the printing process, plus informs them of the several different file formats and where and how they should be used.  

Well, there you go. Now one can understand how hard it is to design a logo. 

For my cousin, animation and art are a part of his blood. It is what he lives for ( well first is obviously GOD). It is his life and doing this is what gives him immense pleasure and satisfaction(for him I guess its his adrenaline rush). When he is at it, the whole world around goes mute. He is in his own zone. I am so proud of you,Jeo and how much effort you put through for every piece of work that you have done. I hope whoever hires you to do their logo just believes you and gives you your space to be you and doodle off to glory!! 

Everyone one can check his stuff out on :

Friday, 1 April 2011

To My Best Friend

So this took a really long time to write. but though it is still a little rusty.  It is for you. I also know that these words are not enough. But it is a start !

A friend is a person,
I laugh and cry with,
my inspiration, my true person.
a helping hand you will always give,
a ear to hear, and a hug so dear.

You know my secrets, you know my fears,
you tell me what is right from wrong.
You hold me so close to you,
that i feel alone when i am apart.
You never stopped having faith in me,
even if you stopped believing in yourself.
you have never let me down.
you gave me a shoulder to cry on, a hand to wipe my tears,
and a smile to wash away my fears.

A friendship, a pact that we treasure,
a gift so rare , and so precious.
I would cling on to in till my last breath.

Through laughs and fights,
through tears and joy,
through love and hate,
through all this, I knew we would be just fine,
because in my heart I knew you were mine!

This friendship will not end.
Through it all we will stand.
Through all the rights and all the wrongs,
by your side is where I stand.
I am here to be your best friend
Cause i love you, and i know you do too.

For looking past my ego, and my flaws.
For being with me from start to end.
For all the times we have spent.

I LOVE YOU FOR BEING MY BEST FRIEND! (shouting it out =D )